When your almost out of time so you decided to eat as much sugar to go quicker
Nathan’s girlfriend was about to leave so he was sugar rushing so he can cum quicker
taylor used peanut butter for weird things and everyone in dyersburg knows about this this means that taylor is werid and thats the definiton of taylor rushing
blaze rush is a gaming term used when rushing ahead of your team and leaving everyone behind you to die. Only reviving people who are in front of the area you are rushing.
i pulled a blaze rush with my friends last night and joey was left to die.
A Gypsy Rush is another phrase for the Euphoric head rush experienced after smoking a toot or large bong.
That was some savage Gypsy Rush right there
Mate, I'm Gypsy rushing my fucking tits away
A whore rush is a brief period in time where someone gains a sudden sexual interest in a person usually a celebrity.
Whore rushes usually end in less than a week and often only happen once per person
Most usually whore rushes cannot be detected immediately
Person 1:I heard he just entered his 8th whore rush this month
Person 2: oh my God for who
Person 1: jensen ackles, it'll probably end tomorrow
(BTW I love jensen ackles don't kill me)
Fat ugly people who's dicks so short it inserts back into there head.
I'm such a Byron rush.
A fast and continuous battle cry, usually used when rapidly attacking your opponent.
Rush attacks: