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A red basterd swingin' around buildings with spageti as ropes. The New York hero is red and blue...witch is ugly as hell.That big spider-freak asshole swingin' around is our fiendly neighborhood SPIDER-MAN. A weak geek started getting manly enoughf to go be bit by a spider that then he becomes a costumed man spider. And then there's a lot of vilans are runnig after that Gearge of the Jungle copyright.

MOM: Oh look a plane !
kid: what the hell that's a giant spider.
DAD: NO it's Superman !
retard: it's a giant dick?!?!
Spider-man: NO ! it's me your friendly neighborhood SPIDEY!

by Blubid April 23, 2008

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The Spider Drug

Benadryl, named the spider drug because many users report see ing spiders and other scary hallucinations

Dude, tonight im going to try the spider drug and see how scary it is.

by ishootyourFACE May 26, 2015

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Spider Raptor

A name for people who love valkyrie

I love Valkrae so much i must be a spider raptor

by spider raptor 101 March 9, 2021

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spider whacking

The art of whacking spider webs on a boat with a boom.

Laura keeps the boat clean of spiders by spider whacking.

by j1stoop July 20, 2007

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spider web

A silky thing that spiders produce that turns you into a karate master once you walk into one.

holy shit dude i walked into a spider web

by karatemaster1337 March 13, 2019

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Twin Spiders

A description of chest hair. Twin Spiders are descriptive of ones chest hair, only forming around both nipples, and no where else on the chest.

Holy Crap, look at Dan's Twin Spiders. That is disgusting.

by Deisel Callahan November 24, 2008

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spider nugget

when a female spider and a male spider MATE and or bang, the female spider gives birth to egg babies in a little spidder nugget egg sack, these egg will wait in the spidder nugget untill maturation.

"sara: OMFG there's a spider nugget in this blanket!
mia: no thats just my cats furr
sara: i thought it was a spider nugget!"

by wizards sleeve hax0r 12345 May 22, 2008

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