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uncle dad

<uhn-kuhl DAAD>

I see that no one seems to explain how someone becomes uncle dad, so I will take the stage. Someone becomes your uncle dad when your dad has sex with his sister (your aunt), producing you in the process. It is that simple. You don't even know if you should call him dad or uncle, so you call him UNCLE DAD.

It was a fine day in Lincoln Park. Joe saw his sister, Meg, was wearing provocative clothing. Before he could control himself, he felt Johnny Wank get excited and start to yell for more. There was only one way to get Johnny Wank to shut the fuck up: bang his sister. His sister was unlikely to comply with this incestuous deed, so he creeped up behind her and smacked her ass real hard. That took her by surprise and then he ripped off her clothes and raped her before she could do anything to stop him. When he was finished he ran away. Later, when Meg gave birth to a boy named Dale, Joe returned. Dale learned to call his male parent Uncle Dad and his female parent Aunt Mom. Life just sucks sometimes.

by Jesus Fuckendoucher September 30, 2011

23πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Uncle Jerry

The new nickame Alan Kalter, announcer of The Late Show with David Letterman, has given himself in place of "Big Red." This is usually when he uses his street talk to try to sound like a gangster and calls host David "DL".

"Hi, I'm Alan Kalter, TV's Uncle Jerry."

by defgtyu August 11, 2006

16πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Uncle Tom

1. An someones uncle who's name is Tom, Thomas or Tommy
2. Racist derogatory term for an African American conservative/republican

1. I took the boat out to my Uncle Toms lakeside cabin last weekend.
2. Some blue haired freak called me an Uncle Tom because I voted for Ron Desantis last month

by SmokeWeedEveryday123 November 27, 2022

11πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Uncle Jack

A term used by Jews to insult fellow Jews who happen to be members of the Republican Party, or simply have more conservative views.

The Republican Jewish Coaltion are a bunch of Uncle Jacks!

by Theo L. January 3, 2006

12πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Uncle Charlie

to give/recieve a hand-job over pants/garments. Usually common in heavily populated areas, restaurants, cabs, movies ect.

John: Yo mang! You hook-up with that girl last night?

Arnold: Well the bar was packed so she gave me a quick uncle charlie under the table

by Gus. E April 22, 2009

30πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

Uncle Varus

An absolute GOAT.

Person 1:You seen that kid's Uncle Varus?
Person 2: Yeah he's a great guy!

by TheTruth164 December 26, 2020

Joseph the uncle

A person who so indrenched in conspiracy theories that he thinks that he thinks that's he's living in the matrix and what ever bad events are happening in the world are just a glitch.

Mother: hey son, do you see that neighbor from across the street?
Son: is it the man that is always yelling "email the developers I feel chest pain"?
Mother: well yes son! This person falls under the category of Joseph the uncle😊

by πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄ May 13, 2020