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blood drug

An illicit substance (such as cocaine or heroin), the business of which is a major source of violence, oppression, and murder. Similar to a blood diamond but for drugs.

The term is often used by those trying to be ethical about the drugs they do.

person 1: You guys ever try coke?
person 2: Nah, I prefer weed. Coke is too much of a blood drug imo.

by jackson falls August 27, 2017

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

What the Blood

A rarely used way to say, "What the hell or What the fuck." No one really uses that phrase anymore, it expired after a few days in Canada of hardly catching on in 2000. Though there are people who are trying to bring the phrase back, it is a losing battle. Actually, the battle has been lost. People tend to say "What in God's name" now instead due to the religious movement in 2004.

Hartley, the phrase, "What the blood" will never catch on.

"What the blood" does not exist, Hartley.

When Hartley says "What the blood" the world seems like an unfriendly place. Don't say it, Hartley.

by anonymous1234321123 June 22, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blood of Ro

hot sex

Kazooie likes hot sex

by Gindaire October 2, 2003

11๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blood Party

Blood Party is when you are on ecstasy and a girl menstruates on you.

"Hey did you guys end up going to that blood party last night? I was tripping balls on that X and I still have the taste of period in my mouth. Delicious."

by d_leigh March 26, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


the opposite of jasmine prince.

jasmine prince is not blooded

by niggaroo September 6, 2008

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Nigga Blood

Blood that usually derives from a person of African decent or African American decent. This blood could also apply to those people who are half black, or anyone who has one drop of black blood in them.
Don't be confused with people who may try to act black, they them selves have 0% nigga blood.

Boy: Wow dude, why is your skin so red?

Me: Idk man, i could have been bitten by some African mosquitoes. You know how much they love nigga blood!

by Shawty BIG STICKA DICKA October 3, 2011

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Blue Blood

Old school slang for common folks back in medieval times. Those of low class work in hard labor (agricultural) and spending majority of the time being exposed to the sun; so they tan. Where as the high class folks do nothing, but stay inside their homes; getting paler. So pale that their skin become--as some say like alabaster, that you can see their blue veins through their skin. Thus the word "Blue Blood".

it doesn't matter how hard your dad works, you'll never be a Blue Blood like us.

by cinnamonbon June 24, 2009

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