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Tempo Walk

When you suddenly find yourself walking to the tempo of a song, and you get embarrassed by yourself and purposely walk out of tempo.

Hey dude I'm coming....oohh.....got a tempo walk going on here....

by Harambe Glue August 17, 2017

walking hemorrhoid

A person that's a major pain in the ass!

Man, She's so bitchy! She A walking hemorrhoids.

by Lord-Pain March 24, 2015

benny walk

Kingimprint’s recent most popular dance it involves moving your feet and ankles

I seen kingimprint’s benny walk and it’s amazing

by Viralmoni September 26, 2019

Walking Beds

(also known as Wb)
a group of people (mostly 6) going in a row of two, talking loudly and gossiping over other people. This is mostly a group of girls.

P1: "oh no. There are Walking Beds."
P2: "Wb meeting again"

by aWalkingBed January 18, 2019

stealth walk

that sneaky walk you do past the person who caught you red handed. similar to slinking away. Even though you were caught you act like nothing happened. When doing the stealth walk, you lean forward and walk in a way similar to a lizardlike dinosaur.

person 1: Dude, my mom caught me eating a bag of chips so I totally stealth walked past her and she looked at me all weird

Person 2: radical man. I stealth walked out of Costco with a hanful of store d'ovures

by EpicBird June 14, 2010

Walk of shame

When 2-24 hours after a sexual encounter with an individual, you journey back to your home, workplace, school, or any place of importance with immense guilt, satisfying at least one of the following:
1. Wearing the same clothes you wore before
2. Missing at least one article of clothing
3. Wearing bodily evidence ( hair out of place, hickeys, lines etc.)
4. Wearing your partners clothing.

Girlll, I did the walk of shame to my lecture class this morning.

by TSDK May 5, 2018


Verb: to joyously jaunt with liquid libation while admiring the excellence of nature.

Marisa enjoys wine-walking in the spring. She comes home much happier.

by ML-Eazy May 22, 2020