Source Code

spinning wheel of death

Similar to the blue screen of death, this is when you get the spinning color wheel that never stops when a program freezes on a Mac. It's slightly less annoying than the blue screen since you can often kill the program without restarting.

guy1: "Hey I thought Mac's were reliable, what's up with this bullshit spinning wheel of death?"
guy2: "Nah, Steve Jobs is a douche too"

by anonymous548664 February 5, 2007

91๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hamster Wheel Brain

When your brain runs about some issue over and over again and won't stop, just like a hamster running in its exercise wheel. It keeps running, but doesn't get anywhere.

I'm having such hamster wheel brain about whether or not to take this job offer.

by dward May 31, 2004

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Broke Man's Wheels

The TRUE underlying words of every BMW and its wallet siphoning maintenance and rent/mortgage size payments and upkeep.

I'm gonna have to sell a kidney and lease out a lobe of my liver just to pay for the tune up on my Broke Man's Wheels 540i.

by UncertainWhatNameToPickHere April 23, 2018

eightteen wheels a burning

skidmarks on your underwear
drag races in your boxers

knocked on mikes door in the morning .he anwsered in his underwear. turned around and those thing were like urrrrrrrrrrrttttt!! eightteen wheels a burning

by hot dog n a taco May 15, 2009

You Know Wheel

Expresses immense praise for an individual's knowledge of motorsport, or an opinion that is agreed upon to a significant degree, most notably within Formula 1.

Person 1: โ€œrussell would body porris in that mclarenโ€
Person 2: โ€œw mate you know wheelโ€

by scooberdoober January 16, 2022

top of the ferris wheel

To bring a lady to orgasm through use of the fingers.

Omg mate I went to the fair last week with Nancy and I took her to the top of the Ferris wheel at the top of the Ferris wheel.

by cooljonesey September 19, 2015

Convo 3rd wheeling

When two people are having a conversation and you don't really contribute anything, you just kind of feed off of it. Sometimes even through eavesdropping.

Guy 1: Did you see the new marvel movie?
Guy 2: Yeah that was pretty sick!
3rd wheel: Hey me too!

Guy 1 and guy 2: -_- dude stop convo 3rd wheeling

by Karab okama August 11, 2019