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Owen M.S

A very sweet boy who makes you laugh all the time. He has the prettiest smile that makes you want to smile. He will joke around with you all the time, but he really does care. He also is very talented. Owen is a great, attractive guy. You are very lucky if you know an Owen

“Owen M.S is very talented”!

by lazyassbitch04 March 2, 2019

Owen Lutzen

A really blonde guy that likes getting perms. He will most likely always be in a bad mood if you ask about his girls on Snapchat. Aggressive and likes bubble baths. Bad at everything except skiing.

Person 1: This Owen Lutzen guy really likes getting perms
Person 2: Frick Owen

by aaeulb November 8, 2024

owen bennett

O dog is one of the good ones. He has a big smile and heart. He also has a big pooper and dooter. He is also obsessed with stuff animals and has a nice head of hair.

Owen Bennett, o dog, wow you have a nice head of hair it's almost as thick as your pooper. His smile is big, bot not as big as his heart or his stuffed animal collection. He's the best you'll ever have...dooter dooter

by hankthetank123 December 19, 2023

owen stillings

A big chode.

Owen stillings is a chode.

by Pussy cats suck March 22, 2018

trinity owens

Trinity Owens means being a mavrick and dabing on them haters

Trinity Owens is close friends with Logan paul .

by Trinity Owens September 4, 2017

Matthew owens

A kid who loves people that look like a grinch and has a penis that is the size of a fingernail .

matthew owens is a cunt

by big testicles that are black December 9, 2019

Owen thompson


That is Owen thompson

by January 13, 2025