Source Code

Young Chul

The YC meister who has 7in cock (only the crack) Every1 wants piece of him. 8packs, Red hair, perfect tri-cept, titanium pecks, and very good skills on the bed, not only on the bed but everywhere if the girl wants to. Or girlsssss

OH MY GOSH!!!! LOOK AT his huge snake! its like ANACONDA! i WANT THAT IN ME

by The FACTBOOK April 5, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

young jeezy

Another shitty rapper, with horrible lyrics, bad beats, stupid friends, and a fake ego.

Young Jeezy lyrics straight from his new album, the song Trap Or Die: "Even when I'm constipated, I shit on niggers."

That's about all you need to know.

by TBone711 October 8, 2005

183๐Ÿ‘ 499๐Ÿ‘Ž

young woman

A young woman is defined by a girl who has neared the age of puberty and has shown physical body traits of a woman, but isn't quite fully grown yet. She's probably already started her period...

Person: "You're such a beautiful and funny young woman."
Me: "Oh... thank you hun"

by Justsomeonehavingfun?I guess January 7, 2018

16๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


Chris and Neef
.State Property
.Cant Stop wont stop

non needed

by OUTLAST November 21, 2003

19๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Renee Young

Renee Young is a highly overrated WWE interviewer and commentator. From her debut in 2012, it was made very clear that she knows nothing about professional wrestling besides what she's told and doesn't care for the sport, yet most neckbeards, soccer moms, and hardcore Deanee shippers think the sun shines out of her anus regardless. She has no notable achievements to her resume besides supposedly dating WWE superstar Dean Ambrose after cheating on her real life fiancee, Norm Sousa, with Dean and forcing a "private" Ambrose to go public on Total Divas, where she and Ambrose are sometimes featured but she's not really important or convincing enough to be a main star. She also has her own show on the WWE Network called "Unfiltered." Renee obviously wishes she was a Bella twin and often changes her personal style and interests to fit in with new 'friends' she makes within the WWE.

Vince McMahon: "She knows nothing about the product, let's give Renee Young her own show anyway!"

by surejanwhatever April 6, 2017

7๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Young Dada

A rapper born in miami, he received his local fame by selling cd's out of the trunk of his car and from his many video's on youtube.com... he started his own record label forealah jamz and his offical release of his debut album will be coming early in 2011.

have you seen Young Dada's youtube video Ima Do Me.

by Nocents October 15, 2010

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Young Thugz

Its like a young crip. the colors are black white and blue.

Crip:Yo young thugz yall will be crips when yall rob a store

Young Thugz:When and where, ill do it now

by Nae2012 February 7, 2009

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