Do I have a nice ass?
Husband, is my butt buttey? (Butt
a blubber inflated bubble butt, usually more jiggly and dimpled than normally desired.
It looks alright now but someday that blubble butt booty is going to fall and then it will just be one sad, saggy mess
The shameless butt monkey pleaded with the court for transparency.
someone who isn’t thick but sure has a cute ass ;)
boy 1: hey do you see that cute butt cheek over there?
boy 2: yessss wow she’s a keeper and everyone is going to ask how you got such a cute butt cheek
“There’s no way that Lisha Rae’s Butt is even real.”
The Tibetan Butt Trumpet is when you get ripped with your friends and only have enough cash for some Taco Bell. Whoever passes out first gets a kazoo shoved in their ass and you all laugh like maniacs when they start to fart humming squeezing noises.
Walt came over with s bottle of Jack and we all killed it doing shots. Mike Z passed out dead drunk after 23 shots and 7 1/2 bean burritos. Jackson shoved a kazoo in his asshole and within twenty minutes he was playing a symphony on the Tibetan Butt Trumpet