Anybody, that is classless with narrow dogmatic mind who is rude to everybody. Could be rich or poor, it is a character: vulgar vocabulary, tasteless dressing, not changing his manners no matter what. Some people are gold, who still shines in dirty mud, and some people are donkey no matter if you put on a golden saddle.
Anna delvey is a white trash, who frauded fake phony people in Manhatten, and they love her for that.
A term used for a person who lost their virginity at 12
Look at her she lost her v-card at 12 , shes such white trash
Laura. Laura with the green crocks.
Laura yelled at Kat and all of her pals whilst wearing glowing green crocks! Laura is white trash!
If your car breaks down in the middle of the road on the way to your own birthday party then you are white trash.
You see that right there son, that is what you call white trash.