Source Code


it’s a word used to mock or insult someone with a disability. and no it isn’t medically correct it was changed in 2010

person 1- that’s *r-slur*
person 2- you can’t say that it’s ableist
person 1- no it’s medically correct
person 2- no that was changed in 2010 by obama

by ragingbisexual;) December 2, 2020

107👍 145👎


+r@n51aT3 == Translate.

Sort of crap that you get when you end up speaking so much haxor that it ain't good for you.

j00 +r@n51aT3 h4x0r?

by ben November 28, 2003

14👍 13👎


The version of the word rape that falls through the chat filters and blockers.

dumbtroll: haha you got raped
-dumbtroll has been banned for 9001 hours-
smartroll: lol, you got r@ped dumbtroll!!! :P

by An0n9001 October 22, 2010

30👍 34👎


Refers to Rialto, CA.

I grew up in R-town. The hood

by joecacola January 31, 2005

28👍 31👎

R. Kelly'd

To fuck a young bitch

Did you hear that Jimmy R.Kelly'd dat new girl?

by Lele December 16, 2003

82👍 107👎


Hot Rear Action = HRA

Nomally my wife doesn't enjoy anal sex, but after watching a some hard core porn, she's all about H R A.

by pilipo April 2, 2008

4👍 2👎

R Tistic

1. The step after being an R Tard

2. To be a pushover; or manwhore.

3. To be a dick or complete asshole

Gamer:Did you see that R Tistic fuck!?!He totally noob tubed me!

Teacher: Billy, What's the capital of Louisiana?
Billy: Arkansas?
Teacher: No! Are you fucking R Tistic!?!

Jol: That R Tistic asshole is dating your sister!
Kyle: Whats R tistic mean?
Jol: That's not da point!

by iwreastledabearonce September 17, 2011

5👍 3👎