one of quackitys good friends, he is ed sheeran 2
“hey have you heard of ed sheeran 2”
“yes, he is a really cool guy”
Past tense of verbal diarrhoea
When you don't shut up for at least 5 minutes about one thing or another.
"*Talking about literally anything*"
"OMG, stop!"
"You verbal diarrhoea-ed me!"
Sophie Sheeran is the name of Ed Sheerans wife
Did u hear Ed got married to Sophie Sheeran she’s Ed Sheerans wife
Running over a mile, usually over a bridge, in order to get get to know some girl who is most likely NOT going to put out so really, what is the point?
Guy1: Where is Nick?
Guy2: He went to see some girl he barely knows
Guy1: So hes running the Nick-ed Mile?
Guy2: Yup
Guy1: What a douche!
The Arm Of Ed Paradox is when Ed , from an alternate timeline had his arm sliced off. This in return caused the arm to fully regenerate into a new being as this alternate timeline works very differently to our own. This Creature was codenamed by Distraction Industries into the 'Arm of Ed' Aka , Ahmed. One day whilst owner of Distraction Industries was skipping through periods if time across multiple vastly different timelines , attempting to eliminate alternative versions of Rhys who were set to diverge from the path of time , he discovered the newly formed 'Arm of Ed' , Upon taking it back to his timeline , the original timeline nicknamed the 'The Origin' or 'Timeline 1' , he replaced the newborn child of a mother ; who was an alternate version of Rhys's mother, he replaced the divergent with with 'Arm of Ed' whose name became 'Ahmed'.
That doctor who episode where his old arm turns into a human is just like the Arm Of Ed Paradox! Crazy
George Wilson-ed (verb)
When you are George Wilson-ed someone else pays your bill without your knowledge or your permission. Often it becomes a secret, covert, operation amongst friends
When we went out to dinner with George it was always a contest to see if you could beat him to pay the bill. Calling ahead or threatening your waitress is an approved technique. —- No waitress were ever harmed in this pursuit just HEAVILY TIPPED for their compliance.
I was having dinner with George and Pam tonight,. I tried to pick up the check and realized , I got George Wilson-ed when the waitress said “ your bill is paid”.
To “look” at someone like you want to literally kill them. To criminalize eye contact. To give someone a murderous look.
Dude, she said that you Rose Nordberg-ed her. What? I was just ejaculating to her breasts.