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lost my buttworm

this is a popular term used by trans women that stems from the correlation between becoming transgender and losing buttworms

hey, i lost my buttworm, did you?

by (definitelyrealanddoesnthavebu March 17, 2023

I just lost my dawg

A meme song people use on shitposts

Dude 1: I just lost my dawg and my brother told me how to chase the bag
Dude 2: Are you retarted

by XLrationspeed98 December 7, 2024

The Lost Product

Another term for Marijuana. Use when you wanna talk about it infront of someone who you are not sure aproves of it.

Guy: Hmmm. Look at the time (4:20). Looks like The Lost Product is about to be found.

by Bestical July 21, 2011

Bool out of control without getting lost in the sauce

The art of minimizing stress by an uncontrolled amount of procrastination whilst maximizing alcohol intake, without developing an addiction to it.

"Damn I wished i could bool out of control without getting lost in the sauce smh.."

by McBoi May 23, 2018

Lost Knife

once known as Icedknife

Lost Knife used to be Icedknife a cool kid turnt cold

by Say heyyyyyyy April 27, 2022

you've lost your mind

"to lose one's mind" is an epigram meaning the subject whose mind was lost is thinking and/or behaving irrationally or inappropriately

With multiple daily conflicts with you, you couldn't give me a break one time, but the one time the tables are turned, you expect me to give you a break? You've lost your mind.

by kimuyukix April 1, 2022

Anna lost

When you loose something in your room

Where are your keys anna? I anna lost them agin.

by ILoveAnnasLeftToe March 25, 2022