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aaron ryan

A person who is a potato who likes to eat doritos and Mountain Dew . They are dank and a true meme . Also he is the type of person who makes crappy jokes that sound good but are actually horrrible

That Aaron Ryan is a true meme , yeah but he makes horrible jokes

by AnUnknownFrog December 12, 2017

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Aaron McBride

The most autistic, fat, ugly and orangutan person you'll ever meet. You see him always sitting by himself munching on the 12 hash browns and 5 chocolate milks everyday. And whenever you see him get up and move he's always talking to himself about Thomas The Tank Engine. His nipples are so filled with fat that he needs to wear a bra because they're so big. Don't bother saying hi to him because he doesn't know how to say hi back. That kid will make your school canteen billionaires if you don't changed the menu.

Watch out for Aaron McBride he will take up your entire downball square.

by uhjb November 12, 2019

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Aaron burr

A man that has high expectations for EVERYTHING.

oh he shot Hamilton btw.

You: "Ima clime this mountain-"
You: "-"

by AkwardRacoon:) December 14, 2021

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Aaron Harvey

Aaron is "A diamond in the rough" and by that I mean unless he's the most funny one in a group he has a very high chance of breaking down and crying on the dirty cafeteria floor the problem with this is that a lot of people are more funny than him including a kid named David thats main joke is literally just the word hand job. He is often interpretated as kinda annoying and braggy for things that he is not.he hangs out with the outcasts because they make him seem funnier than he is. Aaron is all bark and 0 bite and even his bark is kinda wimpy.

Haha that idiots such an Aaron Harvey with all his gay friends

by Manky Mandy January 26, 2020

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aaron markham

he is a 6Ft4 Beach god among men. his penis shines like a Sword fresh from the forge. Red and leaky.

Aaron markham is a fucking god

by Omairlovescock March 30, 2016

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Aaron Blevins

An insane male with a massive cock

Aaron Blevins is weird

by bigdickjohn93472 June 26, 2022

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Aaron Prejean

The best boyfriend ever. Amazing thoughtfull loves LSU allways a good time loves to make jokes that arent funny green eyes and blond hair super buff loves football you cant ever get enough of him

My boyfriend is the best!
Well he's not an Aaron Prejean, but he's close
Yeah well you cant find many aarons!

by Thebestgirlfriendever<3 September 30, 2011

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