When the audience at a concert or a show doesn't make any celebration of the stage performers, be it through making noise, movement, or hand-signs.
Man during the concert I was jumping around bumping into everyone who were still like damn statues. I really didn't expect the turn-up turning into a dead crowd.
It means that your laughing so hard Your stomach is getting cramped up.
I was deadly dead when my mom thought I was taking out the trash.
If something (typically) negative happens to someone, you say this to them.
Andy: *Pukes*
David: "You'll be dead by dawn, Andy."
3👍 1👎
When some one has no humour or thinks that they provide banter when really it is shit.
Matt - your da sells Avon
Thomas - yeah well your ma sells Avon
Lewis - dead banter that
A body in the dead-book is dead. Some people have others "put in the dead-book".
Bubber, you're too drunk to drive, you'll end up in the dead-book.
The state between dead and almost dead. Symptoms include not being able to move, or speak (other than to groan "true love") and not breathing very much. Can be cured by chocolate coated magic pills of unknown origin, administered by those handy dandy wizards and their wives who usually frequent the forests around fairy tale castles.
Well it just so happens that your friend here, is only mostly dead...
Babies are yummy but went they are cooked the best man. You should try it.
Dead babies are yummy