An object is said to be dusty when, it has accumulated dust and dirt from its surroundings, caused by lack of washing.
Something, or someone, is referred to as dusty if when clapping they can light a stove, also when they wipe there head (PURE) white powder, like salt, emits from the contacted area
Man, Im feeling DUSTY right now,
Man could light a fire when he CLAPS bro.
An adjective used to describe something so cool or so horrid that you cannot describe it using any other word. An up and coming slang term among the kids
YO dawg that food was mad dusty.
Hey bro, did you see that dusty movie.
The THC at the bottom of your grinder.
You add it to editing joints as extra dust.
I’m gonna put some dusties in this joint aswell
The absolute coolest person you’ll ever meet. Always brightening the day and more vital than a cyanobacteria.
Charlie - ‘I want to super cool and nice, and have the best fashion sense’
Friends - ‘I’m sorry dude but you’ll never be Dusty’
Charlie - ‘I know, but at least i’m trying’
Dusty - is when you take a shit.
"oh man I've done a massive Dusty"
used to describe someone who is old and weird.
used to describe someone who tries to be quirky but in fact is just lame. especially when they always make 'ur mom' jokes.
Jane: "Hey. Is that your new coach? He looks a little old though."
Amy: "Yea, unfortunately. He's musty, crusty & dusty. He always likes to nag us but doesn't train us that well either."
Ben: "Do you know who's my favourite person in the world?"
Tim: "Who ? Is it me?"
Ben: "LOL no. It's your mom"
Tim: "WTH. That's not that funny. You're musty, crusty & dusty."