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"Eric Roberts Fuck"

adj: To have such passionate sex with your partner that when you have an orgasm, this sound comes out of you that can only be described as an Eric Roberts groan... OOhhhHHH, OOhhhhHH!

Question: How was it with Sheila last night?
Answer: I was so hot that when we finally got at it, It was an "Eric Roberts Fuck", I think I woke up her Momma.

by holdenn August 12, 2007

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Eric J Wang

Creepy Asian "actor", " boxer", "ladies man", and Trump supporter with 6 pack abs who has been kicked out of various venues for trying to hit on women. He also wrote a made up "autobiography" called Wanna Hook Up With Me? where he claims he was a "casanova" who hooked up with thousands of women when in reality he has to hire escorts.

A guy pulled an Eric J Wang on me when he wanted to have sex right away instead of actually getting to know me first.

I pulled an Eric J Wang by secretly taking a picture of a girl and then posting the picture with lewd comments on my Facebook.

That's so Eric J Wang of you to treat that girl like a piece of meat.

I'm no Eric Wang! I respect women!

by Rip Taylor December 5, 2021

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Pulling an Eric Trump

To make an egregiously untrue statement about oneself as though it were fact.

Person A: I have a 75 inch cock.
Person B: I fart actual gold.
Person C: โ€œI wake up at 4:30 in the morning every single morning. I say the Pledge of Allegianceโ€™ to my 5 year old and my 3 year old. Then I say the Lordโ€™s Prayer, then I say 2 other family prayers. Thatโ€™s how I live a clean, positive life.โ€

Person D: "All 3 of y'all are pulling an Eric Trump. But especially you, Person C."

by UhDoubleUpUhUh December 12, 2022

Prince Ericโ€™s Secret

While a girl is blowing you, a live fish must be inserted up to itโ€™s tail in her vagina and she continues to blow you while the fishโ€™s tail slaps around between her legs.

โ€œAriel may want to be where the people are, but Prince Ericโ€™s Secret reveals that he wants to be where her people are.โ€

by June 25, 2023

eric turner-ing

slang for being a pussy. Someone with no spine what so ever. A person who will act like your best friend and then stab you in the back. Someone who is constantly vague-booking and speaks in riddles to avoid having to give you a straight answer.

Person A: Dude, James is really pissed off.

Person B: Why?
Person A: Brain was totally eric turner-ing when he quit the band last night and no one knows if he really did or not

by KarmaBiotch August 16, 2010

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Eric San Miguel

A name that refers to a handsome, cool and charming man. Very knowledgeable and open-minded - He gets a long with almost anyone with a very cool and personable demeanor.

1.Random Person- Ya that dude Eric San Miguel is one cool cat.

2.From women - That stud over there is Eric San Miguel.

by teklord69 January 25, 2010

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Eric Carrier II

The crazy bitch who is an epic descendant of the late and very missed wabajacker. Eric is a f-ing weirdo and if you come across this person they will usually be wabajacking or playing video games.

Dude look at that guy wabajacking, he's a f-ing epic weirdo! It must be Eric Carrier II

by Flublar June 11, 2010

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