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The Horse's Name was Friday

A phrase said in response to a question that makes no goddamn sense.

Joey: So if the train leaves Station B 15 minutes later, and the sun is 86Β° overhead, when will the shadows of the two trains be equal in length?
Brandon: The horse's name was Friday.

by boughs.of.folly December 16, 2021

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Van Damme Friday

Lack of work production on a friday afternoon, often characterized by sending emails of Jean Claude Van Damme dancing horribly.

Looks like it's another Van Damme Friday.

by Pats Mom March 7, 2008

55πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Friday Night Funkin

A game that’s kinda like Dance Dance Revolution but with a keyboard. This game can be found on Newgrounds. There is also levels called β€œWeeks”. There is currently 4 weeks in Friday Night Funkin.

Guy one : Hey have you heard of Friday Night Funkin?

Guy two : No. what is that game?

Guy one : It’s like DDR but on keyboard! It’s really cool! You should try it!

by Ch1ck3nNugg3t December 28, 2021

123πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

High Five Friday

In these troubled times in which we live, we are constantly searching for that one moment of pure joy that can uplift our spirits and bring them to a higher plane. People have sought for centuries that one golden flash of brilliance that would justify their lives, the arrow that would soar into the heart of darkness and vanquish the malevolent vortex that drains the very soul of mankind. We have known of and guarded this provenance of enlightenment for generations, and it is now time for destiny to unfold and unleash this power upon the masses. Of course you know of what we speak: THE HIGH-FIVE!!!

"Dude,you going to High Five Friday?!?!"

"You know it!!!"

by Geoff Enright February 20, 2008

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friday speak out

A weekly friday gather of random thoughts. These thoughts are often jotted down on scratch paper and read aloud by the teacher. This was started by a teacher at Elk Grove High School by the nickname of K -Dogg. This wonderful weekly thing blossomed into a bashing on an infamous nerd who goes by the name of fortman. As of late the bashing has turned to another infamous nerd by the name of BoB, since fortman cosistently cries about these speak out occurences. DJ Jazzy is the one responsible for this abuse. His fellow classmates love his craziness and will hopefully go down in history for his friday speak outs. Some others who assist Dj Jazzy in the bashing include NGP,Lar Lar,The Mick, and the Rodamigo.

"Stay tuned every week for DJ Jazzy's Friday Speak Out!"

by DJ Jazzy Jurewicz May 4, 2005

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friday night loneliness

It's Friday night and everybody is out partying and you're just sitting on your couch staring into space and wishing someone would at least message you or call etc. I sometimes suffer from Friday night loneliness but thank god for The internet and YouTube.

Are you suffering from Friday Night loneliness? Well go on YouTube and have a YouTube spree.

by The Darkside October 24, 2014

Friday O'Clock Shadow

The beard you grow when you've been too lazy to shave all week.

"Are you growing a beard?"
"No, it's just my Friday o'clock shadow."

by Jeremy Ampe November 13, 2008