Jim: What are you doing Sam?
Sam: I'm trying to lick my elbow
Jim: Sam, stop running from God
Da "totally chrome-domed" dude from Maryland.
Baldy from Baldymoore may indeed not have any cranium-cushioning worth braggin' about, but at least he saves a bundle on barber-fees.
A phrase used to described the female genitalia as seen from the rear
Chad: Bro, Erik’s girl Julia got that thick ass.
Tanner: I know right? I’m trying to see her pussy from the back.
When other people ask why your wearing shorts in 62° weather
Someone who isnt affected by the cold
Bro, why are you wearing shorts in December 😐
Im from Minnesota 🤷 ♂️
Governament programs from the Obama Administration designed to help stimulate the economy; thereby, helping to avoid a depression.
Man, I wish I could get some of the manna from obamma.
Why did nick molest that little boy?
Because kicked from the chat
Insane. Just plain off your rocker. Not "with it".
“I thought, boy, if he really believes this stuff, he has lost contact with— he’s become detached from reality if he really believes this stuff," Barr said of a breaking point he had in December.