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brick gang

brick gang is a gang that maxwell bryant created cause he is a g and is a pimp members are mylee, aurora, and max BRICK GANG for life

fuck you brick gang for life

by brick gang September 9, 2022

mystery gang

shaggy (the stoner), fred (the ladies man), the lesbians (the smart and the femme one) Scooby (the chill dog), scrappydoo (the annoying dog)

one friend: y’all we are for sure the mystery gang bruh
Friend: ahh bro you’re shaggy cause ya a stoner
Other friend: ahhh y’all daphne and Velma cause ya gay
Friend:ahhh y’all annoying af y’all a scrappy doo
other friend: ahhh y’all chill, ya a Scooby
Friend: you a ladies mannnn you fred AF

by livthedragon July 3, 2018

regnif gang

a group or an association of lesbian,
grupo o asosasyon ng mga tibo

,, here are the regnif gang, they meanier than men w/out the manhood.

,, mga nene, tago na kayo andiyan na ang regnif gang!

by b&bChing September 3, 2010

Maitland gang

MG,a group of boys who party hard an slam beers an moek beanios

Maitland gang back at it Friday night

by Owee Matt January 15, 2019

Feet Gang

The Sole Movement. The foot (plural; feet) serves an important role in a person’s everyday life. It should receive recognition and respect. It is not just another lowlife gang affiliation but instead, its a lifestlye and a movement

Shoe gang in the streets, Feet gang in the sheets.

by The Preacher of the Good Word December 11, 2020

gang stalking

Psychological warfare tactic called Zersetzung developed by the Stasi used by the KKK, Mormons, Scientology, Freemasons, COINTELPRO, and actively by Fusion Centers calling it counterterrorism using indirect no touch torture (Stasi tactics) with mobbing. CIA runs electronic harassment and FBI runs gangstalking and uses partnerships and programs as flying monkeys. Targetedjustice is suing the deep state program for the unconstitutional watchlist scam.

The intelligence community calls it the program and it's called gang stalking on the street.

by TI Satan September 20, 2023

Teeth Gang

Tooth be told, our teeth allow us to smile, talk to other people, and eat our favourite foods. Everyone has a smile that is different from anyone else's, and that makes us, as human beings, special. A regular human adult has a set of 32 permanent teeth and without these, our smiles wouldn’t be complete and we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the food we love. Because of this, people should appreciate the concept of their teeth more and realize how important it is in everyday life in today’s society.

Kim Lip: Hyejoo, did you hear about this movement called “Teeth Gang”?

Olivia Hye: 네, they really appreciate teeth a lot and I see why. :oliviateef:
(The individuals named are from the korean girl group, “Loona”)

by The Preacher of the Good Word December 22, 2020