Source Code

The Aw Law

An unbreakable law which states that when something cute is present, every woman and every feminine male within 30 feet of the cuteness MUST react with "awww!", "how cute!" or "adorable!!!" Similar reactions are also acceptable, but must somehow express how cute the thing is.

The law may exist because women and feminine men are considered "more empathetic" than is typical, so they...on second thought, there is no logical explanation.

Tony present Tina and her friends with a picture of his cat wearing little boots.
Girl 1: AWWW!
Girl 2: That is SOOO cute!
Girl 3: I just want to hug it!!!!
Feminine Male: That is the most adorable thing i've ever seen!!!

Tony and his friends have witnessed "The Aw Law".

by Chekken December 8, 2009

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Law of Sequels

Law that states that a sequel to a movie or game will always be worse than the original. No (well, okay, FEW) exceptions.

This law especially applies to movies and games made after 2000, when everything started sucking ass.

I don't need an example for the Law of Sequels, do I?

by Tisteca September 23, 2007

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Bob's Law

Bob's Law states that smoke detector batteries will only run out and start beeping in the middle of the night. Coined by Bob Dodge on a sleepless night of August 1, 2008.

My smoke detector started beeping at 3am last night. It's Bob's Law.

by BobTheBruin August 3, 2008

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Laws of Weed

The laws of weed happens

The Laws of weed always happens as the best weed shows up and you've got to the end of the papers.
When one has rolled the perfect joint, the lighter won't work.
The Tim Hortons near Kew Park,Toronto never has enough donuts.

by eL racK November 11, 2007

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gauss law

A charge in any given region can be found by integrating the e-field to find the electric flux. Used in the electromagnetics course in Electrical Engineering.

Gauss's Law can be represented as:

โˆฎEยทdA= Q/ฮตo

Gauss Law can be used on different shapes such as spheres and cylinders.

by asebak March 5, 2010

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common law daughter in-law

My son's girl friend with whom he has three children

My boy let me fuck her some,please.

by Jerry December 10, 2004

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murphy's law

Definition: If anything can skrew you over, it will.

ex, my computer shut off a moment before I saved all my work.

by Erin August 29, 2004

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