A guy (or girl) who is very different from everyone else. Special and one of a kind this can be devestating or amazing, it depends on the person
This Jackson Frinch is something else….
Only the 2nd Unanimous MVP in nfl history
Lamar Jackson is a good football player
3👍 1👎
My boyfriend who I stick my penis in side of every night with no consent He is so hot I just bust everytime I see him and he is white with a giant baige cock that tastes so good. We are very racist together And e also enjoy rapeing minors
I wanna be like Jackson ferrel
Purposely wasting time before scoring while playing a sport. Done regularly by DeSean Jackson of the Philadelphia Eagles.
Austin to the 30, the 20, the 10, down the end zone line.........still not in........(30 seconds later) touchdown!
Wow, Miles Austin just pulled The DeSean Jackson!
1👍 1👎
A strange man who slips his meat into underage little boys and screams boo yeah while he does so. He s wanted for many federal crimes and horrific acts of genocide in bosnia. He also pulls no hoes but he does know some Spanish. Tu mama es mi puta is what he says.
*man raps kid* nearby msn says”that’s some fr Jackson nikodym activity”
A homosexual man with bestiality tendencies
That guy is such a Jackson Sharp with his cow