Is a Motherfu**cker
Looking good
Everybody loves leo
“Leo has a good taste”
And amazing person, who is always there for you. If you meet a Leo, keep them as a friend. They are extremely loyal and respectful
Girl to friend: You saw Leo right, he was being so respectful and nice to me.
Friend: that’s just what Leo is like
He is an absolute twat that all of the Gruszka family have to put up with, he is immature and doesn’t know how to keep a relationship. Many words can be used to describe a Leo but the ones I would use most would be; dumb, antisocial, not funny, but very tanned
Vamp kid wannabe emo. Will lie about everything. Trys getting attention in anyway possible.
We hate leo and if u ever see a Leo run!
S: hey how are you?
Leo: don’t talk to me me (tw) I’m suicidal. Tw!