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Term of enderement for freinds on leaving them in a hurry. Usually used after saying "later" or "see you later"

Citing- Yogscast "The Return Custom Map Part 3"

Lewis (Xephos): "you need to get yourself a minecart and push the button here..."
Simon (Honeydew): {interrupts} "see you later shit-lords"

by HoneyDews December 29, 2011

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The Lord of Fatness

The leader of the great country of Fatopia.

The Lord of Fatness is the greatest man in the world

by LoF February 9, 2004

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Trash Lord

Lemon-Lime soda

Madds is a trash lord

by And Peggy December 29, 2016

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pue lord

Some game where guys take buttplugs and shove them up each other's asses.

"Hey guys I'm Jimmy, do you wanna play yahtzee, batman or pue lord with me?"

by Anonymous August 3, 2003

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Bum Lord

Someone who is lazy and never wants to do anything. One who has no plans in life is a "Bum Lord."

My friends always want to play video games and never go outside, they are all a bunch of Bum Lords

by Baby Bum Lord December 12, 2017

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salt lord

People who frequently or constantly try to make anyone salty for their own sadistic pleasure.

E.g: Practically anyone who uses some form of social media.

Salt lord annoys someone*

Salty person says something out of irritation/anger to salt lord*

Salt lord: Oooooo, someone's sounds or looks really sallltyyy... Good, your saltiness, and anguish sustains meeee...

by YRU still alive! October 10, 2016

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Lord Farquaad

A tiny trap with a Karen haircut A total ass

lord farquaad is such a Karen

by HailRussia September 29, 2019

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