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Term of enderement for freinds on leaving them in a hurry. Usually used after saying "later" or "see you later"

Citing- Yogscast "The Return Custom Map Part 3"

Lewis (Xephos): "you need to get yourself a minecart and push the button here..."
Simon (Honeydew): {interrupts} "see you later shit-lords"

by HoneyDews December 29, 2011

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The Lord of Fatness

The leader of the great country of Fatopia.

The Lord of Fatness is the greatest man in the world

by LoF February 9, 2004

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Lords of Everquest

a game that isn't fun

Lords of Everquest isn't fun

by loeqsuxors July 9, 2003

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Lord Jared

Lord Jared

The ancient Thallasian Knight rumored to wield Excalibur one thousand years before the reign of King Arthur.

A most powerful Warrior in the Dark Ages until a beast of unfathomable proportions got the best of him.

Supposedly shared the same lineage as Arthur himself.

"Excalibur, being the sword of the chosen ones, passes down a single bloodline every one thousand years. From Lord Jared to King Arthur."

by rhodesscholar February 15, 2007

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lord chumby

One of the greatest twitch streamers of all time. He likes breaking stuff, fortnite and cod.

Lord Chumby is the greatest streamer. He streams at twitch.tv/lordchumby

by ttvLordChumby March 12, 2021

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lord suck

A nickname for a boy who drives girls around.

Caroline: "We need to find a ride from someone. Who should we ask"
Cate: "We should call Benton. He's a lord suck."

by cmo1159 February 5, 2017

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salt lord

People who frequently or constantly try to make anyone salty for their own sadistic pleasure.

E.g: Practically anyone who uses some form of social media.

Salt lord annoys someone*

Salty person says something out of irritation/anger to salt lord*

Salt lord: Oooooo, someone's sounds or looks really sallltyyy... Good, your saltiness, and anguish sustains meeee...

by YRU still alive! October 10, 2016

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