When you argue with somebody online and they resort to calling you a Nazi, They have violated Patch's Law, and therefore, have automatically lost the argument. A variant of Ad Hominem, but never taken seriously.
Person 1: I got in an argument on twitter and the other guy violated Patch's Law, So I automatically won the argument.
Person 2: Who are you? how did you get in my house?
Person 1: Don't worry about it, do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and savior Jesus Christ?
The little patch of hair on ones big toe
A girl often has hairless legs and feet, except for her troll patch
why the fuck did you look this up? it’s obvious. But for the retards with only / brain cells, it means someone burnt an object that is in you possession that is a patch
“He burnt my patch!” “Dude, don’t laser him with an airsoft gun. Cal the cops instead.
October 31, Also known as Nation Patch the Opps Day. It’s the one day every year where you can use your halloween mask to slide in the Opps.
you ain’t heard G we sliding on EBO and Freebandz tonight its “National patch the opps day” .
Collective noun for quilters
Three or more quilters getting together to quilt or discuss quilting is known as a Patch of Quilters.
See “onion patch”
the space between the thighs of a woman close to the pubic region. if these thighs touch and cause persperation throughout the day, this area is potentially stinky and now called an onion patch.
look at that onion patch...i'd still hit that.
damn i went down on her after work and she had one nasty onion patch.
Jason: “Hey man, did you hit that?”
Other Jason: “naw, man, I didn’t touch that stanky Ass onion patch pussy”
The day in which Microsoft tries to fix the various flaws of fucked up products it has produced before.
"Microsoft is going to address some other 913567 vulnerabilities in IE this Patch Tuesday."