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garner pool

To manipulate external factors so as to virtually ensure one's own wager takes the grand prize.

AKA: pool pot, call the question, Koch-lloquialism.

That mofo been a thorn in my side and his boy pissin me off now too! Imma Garner Pool on his ass.

by BlackbirdD71-SRT-BigD/SOARs March 1, 2016

hooligan's pool party

a party including wet hooligans that create mischief after evening hours. This may include; public sex, TP-ing peoples houses, inappropriate displays of affection and or rape, and showing everyone your hairy, wet, butt hole.

I went to that hooligan's pool party and saw a lot of hairy, wet, butt hole

by ejaculation, monster, baby July 20, 2017

Pool Bathroom

A place to have sex.

A place to pee, if you haven't gone in the pool yet.

He was tappin that in the pool bathroom.

by dormanbabyy2010 June 18, 2008

pool paint

a form of anal sex where you lather a thick layer of your choice of paint on the penis/strap on when inserting into partners ass while in a pool.

male: “hey babe let’s pool paint tonight! ;)”
female: “ok! i’ll bring my hot pink glitter strap-on!”

by poolpainter69 July 26, 2022

Chocolate Pool Cover

When your shit so big it covers the entire surface of water.

Looked down into the toilet and got a facefull of my chocolate pool cover.

by AnotherWord4 February 29, 2020

pool pals

When you and your buddy are with your girlfriends unknowingly having sex simultaneously in your brothers pool while him and the rest of his friend group are also in the pool.

Mike and Brennan didn’t even know that they were pool pals until years later

by Mikethemike81 August 6, 2020

pool caddie

Someone who prefers swimming in pools over lakes, in other words, an idiot

Joe is being a pool caddie and not going in the lake

by Name469 October 22, 2020