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Hot potato

A person who is attractive "hot"...

You are a hot potato!

by Superwoman 9 July 13, 2017

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Forest Potato

a 'DOTA' player who focuses on killing 'creeps' in the forests for 90% of the match's duration. People under this category usually have very poor gameplay skills, and relies on forest due to its low level of concentration. This often leads to moments of intense 'shittalking' and making fellow team-members 'emo'.

"That forest potato started foresting at lvl 1 and still has no good items!"

"That Bloodseeker does nothing but forest and doesn't gank, we even lost tower because he 'pulled' early! Stupid forest potato"

by I-Make-Kids-Cry-in-DOTA February 19, 2009

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funeral potatoes

A casserole consisting of shredded cheese onions frozen potatoes and other ingredients .Served at lunches after funerals and holidays.

My mom used to make the best funeral potatoes, The relief society had her number on speed dial

by lcthatch November 8, 2014

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potato baby

A cute and gorgeous girl of Irish descent. A combination of the Irish stereotype about potatoes and her being your babe/baby.

I love Emma so much! She's my potato baby!

by a potato farmer March 14, 2017

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pothead potato

That one friend that doesn't get the inside jokes

You wouldn't get it, you're a pothead potato!

by Crazyhyenaowo February 28, 2017

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fried potato

A potato that got physical abuse from an obese chef and they fry the potato.

I see a fried potato.

by Potatows December 3, 2016

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petite potato

That girl with long brown hair who is really small and skinny. She loves food, especially her jagabee potato chips. Don't mess with her, or she will bite you. Jk she's super cute. But still,


She's so cute! What a petite potato

by Karaage April 24, 2017

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