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an utter wast of time

god this is like school

by mesillyboy January 18, 2011

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a very boring place, a place of educational torture, a place where teachers look like ogars, a place to watch fit girls do pe, a place where one can be nasty to litle children. spy on girls through changing room doors

school is gay, school is gay, school is gay. school is gay, school is gay.

by error? March 22, 2007

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The place where people are "educated". It is disliked by the majority of the younger population and exactly how much learning takes place is questionable. This is mainly because the curriculum heavily emphasizes logic and reasoning while the natural creativity and imagination of the students' young minds are neglected.

Although most schools offer electives for this reason, students often find their schedules too tight with mandatory courses and are unable to fit in these electives.

The mandatory classes vary with the school's location, but they usually consist of mathematics, science, English, and social science. The purpose of these classes focus more on the memorization of facts than actual learning. Learning does take place, but how much a student learns is dependent on the teacher, not the curriculum.

"I go to school, but I never learn what I want to know."
-Calvin and Hobbes

by D zy July 29, 2009

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A hell hole full of bad decisions and depression.



by Soy ugly April 24, 2019

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A place where people are forced to go against there will and haft to memorize Useless things or get punished. Happiness is not a priority and if your caught trying to be happy you will be punished

School is useless

by Nimnex September 25, 2020

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Six. Crappy. Hours. Of. Our. Lives.

Middle School Kid: Ever since we came to high school this bitch just flipped the script! She said '2x + 4y = what?' Damn this bitch is still teaching?!

by Stephanie KT October 26, 2010

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A terrible place where you'd better not so much as THINK about being different than everyone else, because if you do, you're a fag and your sole reason of being is for all us cool kids to laugh at you.
Also, it's a place for me to seem more intelligent than I actually am by getting straight A's in easy classes which I could cheat in or just fucking pay attention

In school, I'm popular so I must be cool and nice and interesting, and I have straight A's so I must be a genius or something

by AntiMostThings August 11, 2009

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