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social justice

Promoting tolerance, freedom, and equality for all people regardless of race, sex, orietntation, national origin, handicap, etc... except for white, straight, cisgendered males. Fuck those guys, they're overprivileged no matter what.

"In the name of social justice, check your privilege."

by SJSally December 17, 2012

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socially drunk

State of being lively, energetic, loud, outgoing, unreserved, and sometimes even obnoxious in public (usually at a party) without any prior consumption of alcohol. It's as if one has become drunk on life or from the energy of the party atmosphere. One may be subject to moodswings, especially as the party dies down, experiencing a sort of social buzzkill, leading to minor temporary depression and fatigue. Occasionally, one's memory may even be impaired, as one may be reminded later about things that were said or done that one does not remember doing or saying.

It's fun, safe, and you can drive yourself home afterward!

At Heather's Halloween Party, I was socially drunk because she came outside and told me to shut up because I was the loudest (and only sober) one there, and that I was going to get the police called on the party. But I wasn't going to get in trouble because I wasn't even drinking!

by JValve November 6, 2007

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social cannibal

A social cannibal is a person, usually a friend, who is a friend when it's just you (and other friends in your group, this can have multiple victims at once but is not as effective the more friends he cannibalizes at once) around but as soon as he's around other people, friend or not, if he needs to he will feed off a friend's or multiple friends' faults to better himself socially. Usually it involves heavily over exaggerating stuff about said friends. The cannibal will usually deny doing this. It also counts if the person changes opinions and views on things based off the person they're around, things that you both agree with that he can turn around and accuse you of agreeing with that opinion.

Bi-stander: Yeah so people who play guitar are so gay.
Cannibal: Yeah! You're right! I hate guitar players
Friend: But dude, we both PLAY gui-
Cannibal: Uh, dude I used to but then I saw how stupid guitar is.
Friend: But dude just yesterday you where saying how you love g-
Cannibal: I didn't say that! By that I mean't I actually hate it.

Friend: dude you're SUCH a social cannibal.
Cannibal: no I'm not dude? what do you mean?

by a stupid douche April 8, 2011

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Social Justice

A competition where white people bully celebrities on Twitter to prove to one another that they are not racist (formally a movement to promote freedom, equality, and community for people who have traditionally been disadvantaged in society).

It does not serve social justice to allow this pop singer to live down something they tweeted 12 years ago that now sounds problematic out of context.

Iโ€™ve been on Twitter all day, cancelling celebrities in the name of social justice.

by Targo December 3, 2019

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social apathitis

...the contagious dis-ease or illness that is epidemic throughout society...

Symptoms include: ignorance and deliberate bashing of the vulnerable groups of people... This sociopathic illness does not discriminate on who is chosen for its carriers: it crosses all races, cultures, econo-classes, ethnicities, ages, genders and orientations, spiritual or sexual.

That politician has social apathitis or he would not have made more cuts to the budget for sick people.

by MsDeeVeeAns March 18, 2008

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Social Gamer

A type of gamer, usually one that interacts with others that they know in real life. Social gamers mainly use consoles to video game, as in contract to "mainstream" gamers, who sit on their computers all day and lack social skills.

"Pat and I are Social Gamers, we just like to get on Xbox for a little fun every once in a while."

by JustNuclear January 7, 2015

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Social Netwanking

1. Verb: using pictures of contemporaries added as 'friends' on social networking sites such as Facebook in order to arouse and stimulate oneself.
Phrase coined by David Swift in 2009.

Fancy coming out for a pint, Percy?

Not tonight mate, I'm going on Facebook for a bit of social netwanking.

by FS2460 February 15, 2010

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