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hoe babble

One who is slutty and whorish, and talks about nothing all the time.
They may or may not be a compulsive liar, they do try to do anything to draw attention towards themselves.
they are also easily grief stricken, and they over react about everything.

Lauren is such a hoe babble

by AJ Mormando April 3, 2006

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Superman that hoe

When you're doing a girl doggy style, pull out, and cum on her back/ass. When she tells you to wipe it off, you pretend to, and when she wakes up, she has the bed sheets stuck to her back like supermans cape.

"Dude, tonight, im totally going to superman that hoe.

by TylerTheMohawkMan September 1, 2007

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netflix hoe

Someone who has many shows started but not finished on Netflix

Sean: Let's go watch Netflix

Henry: Dude! You have Futurama and Walking dead started and you haven't finished either, you're such a Netflix hoe

by ShonTheSheep October 8, 2015


Mass-hoe is derived from two words , Massachusetts and hoe. A mass-hoe is a word to describe all females from Massachusetts . They are very loud , rude , trashy , ignorant , uncultured , unhygienic , and bottom line , were never taught to be decent ladies . The worst problem with these mass-hoes is their jealousy . If you come into contact with them , and you are attractive , they will fly into fits of rage , just like small child . Because they have no class , they cannot control themselves or their emotions , a mass-hoe will sleep with any one's boyfriend , husband , father , brother or son , in an attempt to strike at you . Be for warned , They were never taught the act of proper cleaning . Their uncanny ability to look like the 1980's is remarkable . If you do take one home for the evening , make sure to avoid going to her home . They do not clean or decorate , due to laziness , nor do they care . Please hide your wallet .

a mass-hoe loves Aerosmith and Jon Bon jovi . A Boston creme doughnut , a couple of scratch tickets , and you got your self a date .

by nehater January 7, 2014

hoe time

hoe time is at 3:04 am/pm when you flip your device upside down, so it spells out the word "hoe"

Friend 1: Hey man what time is it?
Friend 2: 3:04 pm
Friend 1: HOE TIME!!!

by bloody-hell August 16, 2016

starbucks hoe

A girl that will suck your duck if you buy her starbucks usually a white girl

Boy: I got you a venti very berry mocha
Girl: oh my god thank you,now I'll suck your dick
Guy: your such a starbucks hoe

by Djreckid408 October 5, 2015

Riddler that hoe

After sex when a girl falls asleep. You hide her clothes and leave riddles as clues to help her find them. You must hide clothes in a public area so she has to walk around naked.

This bitch wont leave me alone. Fuck it Riddler that hoe.

by Ass to Ass September 4, 2009

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