When you text someone and you don't get a response for over 10 minutes.
I texted Suzy on Monday about the 1000 word essay due on Wednesday and i was in text limbo until Thursday.
To send pictures of one's genitals via text message or Twitter in the manner of former Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner.
No, my boyfriend was Weiner texting me the whole time.
A hypothetical situation in which contact is made with someone or something improbable (e.g. Aliens) through text message via cell phone.
I can't believe the way we make contact with alien life is by text contact." Fred said as he paced the room, "By a tween from New Jersey no less."
When multiple conversations are being actively discussed with the same person via text message. The inception generally starts out with a normal text message conversation and as the discussion becomes greater, often times smaller casual topics branch out. This branching out can lead to many different topics being discussed in multiple messages sent to an individual. As the conversation begins to grow, one text does not suffice and can lead to one or two additional messages, propelling both subjects further into the conversations and subject matter being discussed.
Jim: "Hey, check out Joe. He is inception texting that chick again."
Kevin: "What's her name, Jenny?
Jim: "Yeah, they are pretty deep this time. You can tell by the drool puddling in the corners of his mouth."
Kevin: "He is going to need a big kick to get out of this one, I'll get a glass of water."
When you send someone a text (usually a risky one) and you have to keep checking if they replied yet.
I was babysitting a text a sent to Jennifer all last night. I told her I loved her but she never replied.