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An andi is a measurement of lenght, which equals to exactly 1.60 metres in metric and 4.7572 ft in imperial. The unit originated because of the ludicrous height of a classmate of mine.

My way to school is exactly 4560 andi long!

by Limbeck March 12, 2018


Short-hand for a crude and disgusting racist acronym, describing the racial identity of the perpetrator of a crime. Literally, "A N****r Did It."

Person 1: Did the police give a description of the suspect of that drive-by shooting that ended up killing that innocent 9 year-old bystander?

Person 2: Yep, the statement was reported on the evening news.

Person 1: Well, what did they say, who was it?

Person 2: Andi, of course. It's always Andi.

Person 1: I should've known. When is it NOT Andi?

by MrListerFisterSr April 16, 2024


Someone who is always hustling and finding differrent ways kd making money easily to efficiently provide for themselves with excess money to spend on themselves

"Yo bro I swear he don't have a job but he has more money than us"
"I know he's an Andis that's why"

by Kimbomula June 1, 2023


A large man who has a 15 inch monster cock. Tends to be very smart funny and nice.

Who is that?

Oh that's Andi, I heard he has a long schlong

by glibdionysus November 11, 2020


Lazy ass nigga that sometimes acts autistic but posts funny memes and is a sweet little guy. Has a huge dick too.

Wow andi posts the funniest memes!
That’s such an andi thing to do

by Shebf November 20, 2023


A fat dumbass that has a girl name often making disstracks on other people. He hates school and never does Homework to play games

OMG Andi didnt do work again to play Fortnite

by SpongeWard June 22, 2019


Andi - Literally the best guy ever he slays so much. Kind, caring, he’s sweet. aaa and he tries his very best to make you happy. If you ever meet an Andi please date him. He is so loyal and ajajajaja everything.

Hi I’m Andi!

Woah?! Andi??? Hug me please.

by emuemmaliterallyslayqueen November 9, 2022