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great googly moogly

Utterance of great surprise. Common in blues songs, made more popular by Frank Zappa in the song "Nanook Rubs It" from Apostrophe in 1974.

This chrome plated megaphone is $40.00?
Great Googly Moogly!

by MasterOod March 3, 2005

823πŸ‘ 268πŸ‘Ž

period of great unknown

1) A point of exploration in a relationship in which one does not know whether they want to be with their partner anymore.
2) A less harsh way to say "a break"
3) Allows for doubter to make out with other boys.

"I don't think I'll be able to trust you anymore."
"are we breaking up?"
"not really, we're in a period of great unknown."

by Jazmyn November 25, 2006

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Great Wyrley academy

Great Wyrley academy is a bag of shite where people run to the red gra to smoke j’s and they throw books at the supply’s. Nitty year ten girls vape in the toilet and pretend no one knows what they doing.

Why would you go to great Wyrley academy it’s for roadman

by Great Wyrley hoe December 11, 2019

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

great white hope

An up and coming white boxer, whom white people hope will reclaim the heavyweight title. Somewhat of a mythical figure.

Tommy Morrison was the great white hope, until Lennox Lewis kicked his ass.

by Rick S March 23, 2007

106πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Great balls of fire

This is a party shot where someone takes a shot of fireball off a guys ball sack. If you can talk some poor schmuck into trying this you'll have ants in your pants trying not to laugh until his balls are on the burner! After a long night of drinking, his salty balls will blister so bad he'll think there was Nair in that shot!

What?! Great balls of fire?!! He had to have known his balls were gonna fry!

by Sean Day Lou Swahili Swag September 4, 2016

18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

great mole rat

An obscure and mysterious mole rat that takes presence in the rituals and practices of many underground cults esp. in the New Mexico area.

In the Blood Eyes cult the great mole rat is seen as a symbol of shame.

by Drewby May 24, 2006

57πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Great Mighty Poo

A giant crap monster that sings opera from the game "Conker's Bad Fur Day", his song goes as, "I am, the Great Mighty Poo, and I'm going to throw my shit at you! A huge supply of tish comes from my chocolate starfish, how about some scat you little twat?
Do you really think you'll survive in here? You don't seem to know which creek your iiiinnn! Sweet corn is, the only thing that makes it through my rear, how'd you think I keep this lovely griinnn? Have some more caviar!
Now I'm really getting rather mad, your like a niggly tiggly, shitty little tag nut! When I knock you out with all my bab, I'm going to take your head and ram it up my butt!
Conker: Your butt?
GMP: My butt!
Conker: Your butt?!
GMP: That's right my butt!
Conker: Eww..
GMP: My butt!
Conker: Ergh!!

I am the great mighty poo and, I'm going to throw my shit at you...

by x000slifer August 15, 2008

196πŸ‘ 62πŸ‘Ž