The Jackson Groove is a feeling where you feel unstoppable. It is named after Michael Jackson.
Josh: How are you feeling today?
Lucas: I’ve got the Jackson Groove!
A player who camps ( stays in one spot ) or sets trip wires while playing Call of Duty or various other multiplayer games.
Guy: That guy must be dead, he hasn't moved in 30 minutes
Guy 2: Nah, he just has a case of Phat Jackson
A very active boy he is gifted and smart.Loves playing video games and loves his cute sister.He loves playing soccer and is awesome at alot of things.
Your so Jackson Vella!!!
Ben Jackson is a gay cunt and should be shit up by sam.
Ben Jackson is a bitch.
-Sam Tissen.
When you are a Chomo, and you bleep yourself because of the guilt.
that chomo is so Jackson Kilgore
Getting ones penis sucked (blo job)
i had a rite good barry jackson off the wife last night she gives a good barry she does
A place where everyone is welcome. You can have fun here. Make lifelong friends and even a boyfriend. But captain Jackson is the best place you could be if you want a true family.
Hey, did you hear about that amazing place? Yeah it’s called captain Jackson!