The hottest girl so STINKIN beautiful I want to give her all the kisses
Riley 🥵🥵🥵🥵
A guy with a tiny penis and his last name rhymes with ham
Most of the time Riley pulls no girls and is gay
The new kids name is Riley
Oh he’s gay
gramer natzi is really smart and funny. she stole youre boyfriend with crabs named matt and is assitant to the chickadai prime minister but walks around calling herself deputy pee em.
akika (that girl who isnt japanese): hey riley
riley: thats deputy pee em to you
Loves his girlfriend so much more to where even the urban dictionary is enough to prove it
Riley All ways win the I love you more argument
The best of the friend group and the best looking though he makes excuses not to hang out he still is kind and thoughtful he sometimes has braces and he can be a little weird at times and will ship at least one person with a girl named Natalie.He is also favorable towards Davids and Nancys.
Wow I wish David liked me how he did him.
Dude you can’t compare to a Riley!