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Steve Carlsberg

One of the worst characters in Welcome to Night Vale. He is really annoying and Cecil Palmer hates him.

No thank you to STEVE CARLSBERG!

by BenderTheGroundskeeper June 13, 2020

sf steve

Short "scumfag steve" aka steve covino from Sirius XM otherwise known as the creepiest fuck in the universe. Despite being advertised as "commercial free radio", Sirius XM interrupts the beginning of nearly every song to plug shit like Lays chips, Cheesecake Factory, the keto diet, Ring doorbells, etc.

Shut the fuck up and play the music SF Steve. I don't pay for this bullshit, this is why you unfunny pricks are losing out to Tidal, Pandora and Spotify.

by Serious Flexem August 9, 2019

Steve Irons

The ultimate beyblade champion and member of swan.

“Oh man, did you just see Steve Irons let it rip? He is the coolest of the cool.”

“Steve Irons gets all the ladies. I wish I could beyblade like Steve.”

by Haliax November 23, 2018

Steve bowl

An ultra or over packed pipe bowl of ground marijuana. Originally an unground nug of weed jammed into a pipe bowl by your friend Steve.

"Yo, Dave."
"Shall I pack a bowl, Dave?"
"Yes, Dave. Pack a fuckin' Steve bowl."

by niGiti September 20, 2017

Steve Harvey

Lighskin Dr Phil

Steve Harvey is Dr Phil on dark mode

by SmartBoyTingz September 29, 2019

Steve Harvey

When you ask a weird question and receive a weird answer, even though you were expecting a normal answer.

Aw man, I really Steve Harvey’d earlier today.

by 5 Lemons September 3, 2019

Skanky Steve

Skanky Steve stalks his ex girlfriends 15 year old daughter. He also lives with his mum and dad and says cunt a lot!

Don’t be like Skanky Steve.

by Wanamaker January 25, 2020