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wind you neck it

Means to tell someone to stop being arrogant or overly confident, similar to asking them to tone down their attitude or behavior and become more cautious or humble. Commonly used in British English.

“I am confident that I can score full marks on the English exam.”
Wind you neck it ! You just studied for three hours!”

by March 22, 2024

El Toas of the Wind and Stars

The goat, no questions asked. A top fella. Could steal yo girl if necessary. Don't mess with the top dog ever. Tony Soprano's best friend and best man at his wedding. Favelas born and bred (did live in shanghai's kung fu district and London briefly) but the favela of Rochina is where he loves. a.k.a tewys olasowys, member of Size Dont Mater FC.

El Toas of the WInd and Stars is one ice cold motherfucker.

by tewys1 May 9, 2022

three sheets to the wind

Being groggy and awareness-impaired due to there being one or more people nearby wif really "breezy" butts.

Everyone really pigged out at da free community baked-bean supper and then had an uproarious whizzpopping-party afterwards, and so a lot of dem went home totally "three sheets to the wind"!

by QuacksO March 22, 2023

three sheets to the wind


"I wish I could recall more, but at that point I was three sheets to the wind"

by Arminkshipper July 16, 2024


Having a proximity criminal from the offending party of past pick up in a way of subtle stalking.

Given the fact the velocity of the air currents is for ever changing so enters in the SPOTLIGHT a 606 unethicality kicked out of the the parallel EL DORADO as the electric light failure has busted some yahoo stalking from EL DORADO but a 606 connect to a number 14 linear sling neighbor who despises detectives and any line of questioning but buying a new comb and losing it in the restroom is endemic to WIND BLOWING which as you see is buried deep into the phony identity superimposition where resolvemrnt comes from an arrest of the physical ID but in particular PRIME ASSHOLE gift card violation of spending an unspendable proprietary $159 GIFT CARD exacted by the ASSHOLE in the FIRST GIFT CARD of 64:with a SECURITY BALANCE of 750 .PANG IT.

by NEW BISEXUALITY April 19, 2021

like the wind

you came here running

Like the wind, you came here running
Take the consequence of living
There's no space, there's no tomorrow
There's no sense, communication

by RandomGuyOnDictionary December 14, 2023

Ancient Wind

A fart that had refused to release moments previous. When released, it smells rancid and horrible enough for people to vomit.

Kamden: Ewww, dude! Did you just fart?
Chad: Yeah man! It was some of that good ol' ancient wind too!

by Karambyte January 19, 2022