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Manner Nazi

A person who picks out anything wrong with your manners, usually someone with a stick up their arse. Similar to a Grammar Nazi

"That Jane, she's a total Manner Nazi"
"Yeah, she shouted me down because I didn't thank her for stealing my boyfriend. Manner Nazi hobag."

by Sheldon_Koopa June 12, 2012

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ass nazis

A group of people who knee people violently in the ass

Damn! Jane and her friends are ass nazis!

by H@nn@ October 15, 2011

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Breath Nazi

people who get all pissed off when you:
a. breath into the microphone on a cellphone or over other means of voice communication.
its not their fault... it happens.

person a.(why are u breathing so hard. chill dude!
person b.(dude i just ran 12 miles chill you damn Breath Nazi
person a.(im muting u noob

by hitleryouth69 February 1, 2011

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Grammar Nazi

Known to be quite the buzzkills, often digressing from the main point of discussion to fulfill their need to correct grammatical errors and typos, mostly in a condescending tone. However, their rising population suggests that they are charming the pants off each other, their loins warmed by the idea of impeccable grammar, while pissing everyone else off.

Here, you can see, a Grammar Nazi in his natural habitat, mating with his lover in the widely popular Oxford Comma position.

by kickingwithyou May 13, 2016

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nazi psychosis

When you see only Nazis everywhere.

A: they are everywhere. they have a different opinion than me. they fight for freedom of speech.

B: No, Fritz, you have a Nazi psychosis.

by Fritz_Meschugga November 30, 2022

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Park Nazi

Park ranger (at a campground, etc) that is particularly anal about insignificant things.

Camper A: "That S.O.B. aimed a flashlight directly at my eye at 3am just because there was half a bag of marshmallows on the table."

Camper B: "Park Nazi much?"

by *~Lyssa July 3, 2006

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little nazi

A penis. Refering to the shape of the head of a penis which resembles a WWII German helmet.

"Oh his little nazi was so cute, I spread my legs and let it storm troop into my Pole Land." ....."After the orgy, all I could think about was Normandy for some reason."

by BlazNsadL June 26, 2005

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