Source Code

Tactical Nuclear Assult-Type Heavily Armoured Gorilla

A very dangerous gorilla, do not approach.......... also why did you search this up??

see that explosion - that would be the Tactical Nuclear Assult-Type Heavily Armoured Gorilla we tested out against a tank :)

by Infrared1011 May 25, 2021

Type any word browse categories store blog

Oh dear lord you've fallen into the pit of inescapable boredom.

"Type any word browse categories store blog" is something you type an hour before the end
Go find something productive to do before you perish.

by LazyBrokeWeeb April 17, 2021

Browse Store Blog Type any word here...

u copied whatever on the top, ur rly bored.

Browse Store Blog Type any word here...

by Tee_Kay_ March 6, 2022

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Jordan Peterson's view of the red pill types

Useless, incompetent, men who are too stupid to know that women "pay the disproportionate cost for sex" which roughly translates to "are better than men". He doesn't give a shit about disaffected men and has nothing but contempt for them. Why? Let's explore."

Hym "You can tell by Jordan Peterson's view of the red pill types that he REALLY doesn't like the fact that MEN control access to relationships. Women already control access to sex but that isn't good enough for him. That's why he's pushing so hard for marriage even though he knows that half of them will fail. He wants them to have control of both. You should have to PAY A PRICE for leaving his daughter. You should have to have a relationship with her to fuck her (even though, history, you just DON'T have to do that). I disagree. I think men should hold a tighter grip on their control of relationships. It's not a "Short term mating strategy". In the words of my highly sexually success friend who lives in his mothers basement AND my highly sexually successful OTHER friend who ALSO lives with his parents and sits and plays video games with me (even going as far to turn down sex to spend his birthday with me) 'I'm looking for 'the one' but, hey, if they want to throw me some ass while I search... Meh 🀷🏿 ♂️' "

by Hym Iam February 14, 2023

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

he acts like we dont know his blood type

The adj of celebrities (male) acting like their fans dont know what specific things that they do

Harrry styles asked: β€œif you know this song, please sing”. Me: of course i know wtf. He acts like we dont know his blood type.

by Fruityman’s property November 21, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

there are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who dont

A joke used by those who are savvy in mathematics. The joke is funny because it makes the point that the person saying the phrase only understands the decimal system, which relies on numbers in groups of 10. The binary system relies on numbers in groups of 2. If the speaker of the phrase had been able to understand binary, he/she would've said the phrase correctly, "there are 2 types of people...".

there are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary and those who dont



by D Den June 25, 2009

482πŸ‘ 208πŸ‘Ž

code exedelius fortana type zero curse of the zero daybreak nexus cycle zero

the most generic of anime, voiced by Joe Zieja

My friend: What's your favorite anime?

Me: Code Exedelius Fortana Type Zero Curse of the Zero Daybreak Nexus Cycle Zero

My Friend: 0^0

by Pretend This is Somethin Funny November 30, 2020