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The action of your fart rolling across your vagina lips

“I am vagining so hard today my pubes RATTLED.”

by Hybrid183 September 13, 2022

Vagine Sling

Vagine Sling is the female version of a “cock flight” or a testosterone battle. It occurs when two women get all agro with each other for no apparent reason as they try and one up each other about current affairs, chick shit and other basic conversation items occur. A vagine sling can get particularly aggressive when alcohol is introduced.

I can’t stand it when Heather and Kim come over it always turns into a vagine sling.

by JBH721 January 17, 2021


a person who specializes in and is well versed in the exploration, navigation, mechanics and inner workings of the human vagina.

He was a fucking vagineer with my pussy, he made me cum four times.

by Vedgefucky January 16, 2019

Vaginal Frog Wednesday

A weekly celebration of people with vaginas who like frogs.

"Happy Vaginal frog Wednesday"
"you just made that up didn't you"

by goicker March 11, 2023

Vaginal Reject

A female that refuses to allow her bf to fap

Man shes such a Vaginal Reject I cry then I can't fap

by Vaginial reject May 30, 2014

Vaginal hat

A sexual act of putting your head into a woman’s vagina and literally wearing them as a hat

Yoo I was fucking this girl last night and she wanted to try the vaginal hat. Bruh she be kinky as fuck

by Joe smith117 January 16, 2018

une vagin

1 vagina.

Estabilshed in France.

Origin from the word Une banane

Also known because it ryhmes with the advert "Une danone"

I like to buy une banane and also a side of une vagin.

by cool dude33 April 21, 2016