A superhero who does not have powers and fighs crime as such. Of course Batman is not the instigiator of this trend, but he is one of the famous ones.
Looks like he's doing this a la Wayne
Wayne Soulsby, he's a total fister, infact he's a steam powered autofister!
The word “Wayne white” can be used to describe something as smooth and clean
Mr booth: James wayde what a splendid ass you have so Wayne white.
A black man blackest the could get
My phones color is wayne saunders jr
Resembling Batman; or Bat dad you space out and "have a moment," for.
"Hey Girrrrrl, did you see that body body ody ody ody on that Bruce-WAYNE?"
Bruce Wayne is the man who is watching all criminals in Gotham City. He has pointy ears and wears a cool black fabric on his back. HE IS MOST DEFINITELY NOT BATMAN. He is Bruce Wayne.
Who's Batman Oh it can't be Bruce Wayne!