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Hot snakes

noun; the resulting soft serve butthole burning poo after eating spicy chili verde mac-n-cheese.

I need some baby wipes. That shit we ate yesterday gave me gnarly hot snakes.

by Hookerbooker May 28, 2018

31๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Topic

A chain of mall stores with some cool shit in it... and some lame ass shit.
Shopping there does not make anyone any more of a punk or a poser then they already are. Why? Because it's a store, and a store in itself cannot be punk no matter what it sells. Though many stupid kids feel the need to constantly say things like "Hot Topic is a poser store! Only posers shop there!", in order to make themselves feel more punk and hardcore about themselves. When they themselves are posers.
Hot Topic is targeted twords the 16-25 age crowd. I constantly hear people saying only teenie boppers shop there, though I've only once ever seen someone in there who looked under 17.
The staff are in my experience very helpful and polite.
And it more often than not, smells good.

To sum up everything I just said:
Hot Topic is no more "punk" than Old Navy.
They have some cool stuff, and some lame crap just like every other store.
Dorks call it a poser store because they are insecure and want to feel better about themselves. And hope by saying that, others will think they are more hardcore.

LameAss8thGradePoser: Hot Topic sux!!! Only pozerz shop ther! I'm too hardcore for shopping at Hot Topic!!! Now I'm gunna go to a hardcore Good Charlotte concert in my kick ass outfit I bought on the internet (from the hot topic website).

by Ibanez April 11, 2005

407๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot cheetos

VERY ADDICTIVE cheetos.....usually know as hot chips,cheetos,flaming hot cheetos...BELEIVE ME THEY ARE VERY ADDICTIVE.....I havent been able to stop eating them for about 6 yrs.

damm i need to stop eating hot cheetos!! doctord orders

by COUldnthnkof123 January 13, 2006

347๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot topic

hot topic is a clothing store. shopping there doesn't make you a poser. shopping there and thinking you are original/goth/punk does. you are only original if you buy the stuff in hot topic before it comes out ;)

Normal person: i love hot topic i think i'll go get that new <insert band> t-shirt

Poser: i need to go to hot topic and pick up some more anti societal clothes, so people will know that i am an outcast.

his life must be so full of pain, that his parents give him money to buy overpriced clothing at hot topic

by klaymen July 18, 2004

117๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot Daddy

Hot Daddy is an expression used to describe something exciting or of much interest

Kenrick replied hot daddy after seeing Annaโ€™s status

by Amoy Smith November 2, 2018

44๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot flashes

When a woman experiences sudden increases in body temperature and is usually a symptom of menopause.

My mom is having hot flashes

by anjilslaire May 1, 2006

105๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hot salt

Synonym for jizz or male ejaculate. Another word for semen, sperm or cum

Shoot that hot salt all over these big bits! Give it to me damn it!

by Cowboytickler October 13, 2020