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Zombie Hordes

Masses of biogenetically enhanced or cursed individuals on the rampage for human meat. Often the destruction of mankind (more affective but not as clean as pirates or ninjas). Zombie hordes can be most often found in two places:
1) Cities in a Zombie Apocolypse after some unwiting team mate triggers a car alarm, breaks a window, knocks over a trash can, etc.
2) Remote praries and abandoned towns in the midwest.

Tom: Hey, let's split directions while there are roving bands of zombie hordes about!
Betty: Okay! What's the worst that could happen?
Tom: Certainly not one of us getting cornered, turned into a flesh eating ghoul, and finding the other one totaly trusting while they turn their back and we proceed to eat their brains!
Betty: Let's go!

by Twinfist February 4, 2010

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zombie mask

A zombie mask is when you ejaculate on a woman's face and then push her face into the sand. She then gets up and stumbles around, arms outstretched, either looking for something to clean off her face or looking to choke the crap out of you!

I taught my cheating girlfriend a lesson when I took her to the beach. I blew my load on her face and then pushed her face into the sand. I laughed as she stumbled around the beach with her zombie mask on.

by SMuOpKE August 31, 2006

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zombie walk

A large gathering of people dressed up as zombies and walking around a public place calling out for brains, trying to scare "conservative" people, and proving to us all that individuals are capable of making bigger asses of themselves than ever thought possible.

"Hey, are you participating in the zombie walk?"

"No I'm not a knob"


by Jordanzzzzzzzzz May 7, 2008

30πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

zombie beast

hacker lol
likes to be mean

that guy zombie beast is so annoying
did you hear about what he did to her minecraft world?

by brookiecookiethepillow May 28, 2019

Zombie doggin

Outdoor sex with strangers in graveyards

Out walking the dog last night I saw a group of people zombie doggin in the local graveyard

by Kali_mist November 8, 2016

Zombie chew

This is used when a person of any sex had offered to give oral. When performing the oral, the receiver is unable to be erect, causing it to lump and lifeless. β€œDead meat” This is also known as the lollie.

Jess -β€œwhat did you do with him last night?”
Vanessa-β€œI went down on him, but he drank too much. So I gave him a zombie chew”

by Caldaddy May 10, 2020

Potato zombie


"That's a load of potato zombie"

by Chit4brans October 15, 2020