mo-city-missouri city TEXAS!...yO!! wAs gOoD, iM fROm dA mO-CitY..."A pLaCE WheRE tHa giRLs aRe sO pReTTy" i cALL iT tHa "bUrBeTTo" bEcAusE iTs a CrOsS bEtwEeN tHa sUbUrBs & tHa gHettO, NiCe hOMeS WiT sWiMmiN pOoLs aNd gHettO aSS bLack fOLks tHat sTay iNUm EspEciALLy dOwN hEre iN QV, qUAiL rUN, hUNta'S gLeNN, cOmMUniTy pArk, aNd i wAnNa giVe a "wHat iT dO" tO tHurgOoD MarSheLLs, ELkiNs aNd higHTowEr hiGh sChOoLs...cLaSs oF "06"...dONt gO tA cOLLegE...nAW iM kIDdiN, pEaCe!
.."iM frOm tHa mO-CiTy, wHeRe tHa giRLs aRe sO pReTTy"-some dude dat stay across da street from meh!...i think his name is mike...
31๐ 78๐
Keep moving! This term is usually followed by an explitive.
K-mo you stupid bitch!
16๐ 37๐
The word H-mo is used to describe a person who is acting like a fag
Vezina you are an H-mo
5๐ 8๐
Hybrid word between "moron" and "retard". Refers to someone who is very stupid and acts retarded
"What the hell did you do that for, you fuckinng Mo tard!"
4๐ 6๐
The short form for... a hot emo.
Oh my gosh, look at the ho-mo prancing by!
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What a BO-MO, stop talking about the weather and man up.
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A place where only perfection is accepted.
Robin: "That girl is baaare buff"
Mo: "She b headin down to Mo Town!"
Robin: "Check that nx girl!"
Mo: "Nah boss, She b gettin deported from mo town!"
12๐ 27๐