Source Code

Bro Code

The Bro Code is a set of sacred rules honoured among millions of bros throughout generations. The Bro Code is not defined as it varies amongst different groups of bros. Although, there are still some points that are in all sets of Bro Code, this includes:
Family is off limits
Exes are off limits
If a bros girlfriend asks about where he was, you know nothing or he was with the bros
If you see that a bro is talking to a girl and your slow friend is tagging along, its your duty no matter what to extract the third wheeler

Bro's girl: Hey, do you know where Mark was on Friday night?
Bro: *knowing nothing* Yeah he was with me all night, we went bowling with the guys

Mark: Thanks for covering for me bro
Bro: No problem man, its just a basic rule in the Bro Code

by Tinybutshiny March 13, 2021

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A laid back female that can hang with the fellas

Informal Use: "Bro-Gine"

Jessica: "Ah come on ref! That's BS... open your eyes!!"

John: "Easy Bro-Gina, it's only the first quarter"

by G-Mac January 31, 2007

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Bro Code

A way of life between bros. No matter what is going on, the bro code must be followed. The best way to explain it is when Butch stops the guys raping Marcellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction. Minutes earlier they were fighting to the death, but the bro code kicked in. It doesn't matter if it was Saddam Hussein in there, the bro code MUST be followed.

Even though they tried to kill each other, the bro code dictated that Butch could not let Marcellus Wallace be anally raped.

by TheSwellFellow July 21, 2013

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Bro Handle

A sexual encounter between two men, who are bros, either by blood or by fist bump; kind of like an Eiffel tower.....Only gayer

Bro 1: Dude I was so drunk last night I got into a bro handle.
Bro 2: Thats fucked up

"Bro, we were so lasted last night....did we get into a Bro Handle??"

by Strehlowlikesguys February 4, 2010

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Bro Hitting

When a dude hits tries to become the best friend of someone in the room who is also a guy. Thus making the "reciever" extremely akward.

Dude, Jon is totally Bro Hitting on Lars.

I know, its kinda akward.

by The Ukrainian October 6, 2010

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Bro on the go

A common bro who is out and about on the hunt for the ladies,skank,hoe etc. A bro on the go fights a never ending battle with rejection,ugly girls,hot girls and really hot girls. Often a bro on the go will suceed but may get bitch-slapped more often than not.

Jeff-Steve gets around with the ladies doesn't he?

Pete-Yeah he's a real bro on the go.

by RozaB August 16, 2010

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Bro Law

Any act, when done by at least two bros, must be immediately replicated in the exact same fashion by all other bros in attendance. There are no exceptions, and this act should usually be either eating a disgusting food or performing a gratuitously idiotic and/or homoerotic act.

Me and Justin just drank rotten congealed coconut milk. BRO LAW!!!
Everyone else: God damn it.

Dude, me AND JEREMY just took Adderall, BRO LAW THAT SHIT!
Everyone else: God damn it.

Me and Samson just pimp smacked this girl. BRO LAW!!!
Everyone else: that shits wrong..

by brouchebag July 10, 2010

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