A pure weeb that acts like a weebs hater in order to make sure no one know he/she is a weeb.
Anep always act like a weebs buster to his fellow weeb friends.
A blunt, joint, wood, or spliff that requires more than 1 paper to roll and have a tendency to have more than 1 filter.
Dam gang i was high af off that buster blunt you feel me?
Someone who is caught in the act of being a dingus.
Luke gets sniped in Fortnite after being spotted in a bush, "Luke you're such a dingus buster".
The trump buster is an unknown being who only perpose in life is to fuck with trump on a daily basis he is a hero to us all.
Hey Who ya gonna call when something evil is in the White House
Hey who ya gonna call when the trump annoys. Who ya gonna call when trump does acts stupid on the news who ya gonna call the Trump buster da na na na na
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The act of going to cemetery, digging up a dead animal, and aggressively having sex with it while your homie either fingers or masturbates it. This must be done using anal beads, lube, lotion, and a ripped up homemade condom. For it to be considered Buster Nutting, you must practice all of your moves on a fleshlight made from a sponge, rubber gloves, and a can of pringles for 10 hours straight. After you do it for a good 5 seconds and let out your load, you must start jumping on the animal until it's organs splatter everywhere so you can drink it up like it's a cherry fucking slushie.
Hey Bob, Jimmy's Dog just got brutally murdered, it's a perfect time to practice our Buster Nutting skills
When you cum in such large quantities inside your partner that there are negative adverse affects to their health
Me and my buddy gave that girl the ole Gavin's gut buster
Playing music very loudly with headphones on, possibly with the intent to burst the participant's ear drums.
"Jimmy busted his ear drums doing a Drum Buster with bass house on."