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Clam Caramel

The act of pouring caramel sauce on a vagina then eating it.

"Damn dawg dat ho so fine i'd give her a clam caramel"

by AfkForBong December 3, 2018

Clam Scrambler

The unwashed hands of a female who has recently "rubbed one out" A.K.A. masturbated.

No matter how clean the bathroom is you never know whose nasty unwashed clam scrambler just touched the door knob.

by Stankle Toof May 2, 2019

Clam lava

When you qweef and a little bit of last nights leftovers ooze out

If you're hungry you can blow some air up my pussy and i can hook you up with some clam lava

by frogqweef January 12, 2023

clam jaws

A violent vagina

That girl had clam jaws

by Suck My Dictionary July 16, 2014

Clam Handlers

Female version of Dick Beaters, Lady Hands, a woman’s hands.

Hey Lady! Keep your clam handlers off my vehicle!!

by DirtyluluJ March 28, 2023

clam casket

Similar to an actual casket but this one is made specifically for a vagina after a severe pounding or long drawn out passionate intercourse

(As she gets up to use the restroom) Man you're limp is pretty severe, seems like you're going to need a clam casket these next couple days..

by Loycen April 25, 2017

Clam dangler

A succulent pair of fleshy flaps extending downward from a woman's vaginal area.

Man, did you see those clam danglers on that pole dancer? I wanted to get those swinging and flapping, doggy style.

by MaxMillllion August 27, 2019