A body in the dead-book is dead. Some people have others "put in the dead-book".
Bubber, you're too drunk to drive, you'll end up in the dead-book.
The state between dead and almost dead. Symptoms include not being able to move, or speak (other than to groan "true love") and not breathing very much. Can be cured by chocolate coated magic pills of unknown origin, administered by those handy dandy wizards and their wives who usually frequent the forests around fairy tale castles.
Well it just so happens that your friend here, is only mostly dead...
Babies are yummy but went they are cooked the best man. You should try it.
Dead babies are yummy
Slang for Fredericksburg VA, referencing the absolute lack of recreational activities beyond the mall, the movies, or bowling.
What do you guys want to do tonight?
What is there to do? We live in Dead Fred for God's sake.
one of the best punk bands and possibly the best hardcore punk band of all time. Jello Biafra (first singer) had the quintessential punk rock voice. their songs mainly took aim at polotics. while there titles seemed vicious and evil (like 'kill the poor') they are usually metephorical for the issues that occurred around the time. they never sold out and they stayed true to their underground fanbase. they reformed in 2001 with a new singer, but have yet to leave their underground success behind them. a great band!
listen to 'holiday in cambodia' and you'll understand! ;) the dead kennedy's rock too hard!
very very high out of your mind.
Dude, I got so dead on the reeds the other day that I passed out.
Where by unfortunate circumstances you have ended up deceased, then someone has managed to shit on your remains, blend them and finally set what is left on fire.
Kyle: "Fuck Maddie, I went out last night and got absolutely smashed. I feel like I am overly dead this morning."
Maddie: "Peak."