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Douche Loops

What every douchebag or douchette eats in the morning.

So how was those douche loops today?

by mysterymeat4u October 28, 2010

thunder douche

when douche baggery extends beyond all reason in such a violent and crushing fashion a thunder clap is heard

Nate explained that he was forced to beat up his girlfriend because she made him do it. Nate exemplified being a thunder douche.

by Jaimez DIego Sanchez January 17, 2009


A majorly retarded douche-bag. Self explanatory.

Russ Thompson can be a major douche-tard at parties.

by WouldntULikeToKnow September 1, 2014

Douche Puffette

A grotesquely overweight narcissistic amazon woman who believes the world revolves around her, her bad credit, and her inability to control her intake of alcohol. Often reads by flashlight while explaining how your problems relate to her life.

After listening to that douche puffette talk about sobriety I'm totally ready to slam fireball and suck the glass dick.

by OG Bobby Hill November 23, 2019

douche roar

The loud scream emanating from an alpha male douchebag while lifting weights. This is done for the sole purpose of attracting attention and hopefully impressing those around him with his strength and commitment to large biceps.

Jim let out a piercing douche roar at the end of his 10th set of bicep curls.

by rimlover May 29, 2011

Douche nozzle

Douche Nozzle
1. A guy who acts and looks like a jackass. Total Misogynist. Someone who
treats woman poorly. Thinks he's much smarter than he is and talks down
to others. The ultimate douche bag.
2. Douche Canoe, Jackmo, Kirk, Hoffman, Dickmo

Wow! Our office manager, Kirk, is such a douche nozzle. He treats everyone
terribly . Short man's complex all the way. A complete ass.

by Bendy1 April 2, 2021

douching around

to partake in asshole behavior to those in a certain vicinity.

Stop douching around you douche bag.

by Zacana Hornbergerking April 23, 2008